

Class Resources


CS-100 In-Class Project: Basketball


The form above is used to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) given a person's height in inches. The height is typed into the two text boxes - feet in one and inches in the other. For example a person that is 5 feet 10 inches would type 5 into the feet box and 10 into the inches box. When the Compute button is pressed the resulting Body Mass Index is shown in the list box at the bottom. NOTE: You will need to compute total height in inches based on the inputs for feet and inches.

The formula for BMI is: BMI = ((weight in pounds) / (height in inches squared) ) times 703.

Using each of the five steps listed below and presented in class complete this problem.

1. Analyze the problem. Identify the variables and constants that you may need.Give a description of the problem using comments at the top of your code.

2. Declare all variables using the DIM statements. Name variables so that the quantity they represent is apparent.

3. Initialize all variables by giving them values with assignment statements or by importing values from the user interface - text boxes.

4. Write Visual Basic statements that perform the calculations.

5. Output the results to the listbox (in this problem but in general you could also display output using a label or text box.)

Download the zip file with the form here.